Available online the contribution of the Visual Lab during the MeetMeTonight 2015 event.
Perché studiare sociologia? Un set di interviste sulla professione del sociologo, realizzate nell'anno 2000 durante l'incontro annuale dell'Associazione Italiana di sociologia (AIS). Why study sociology? A set of interviews on the profession of sociologist, created in 2000 during the annual meeting of the Italian Association of Sociology (AIS). The Bicocca is a melting pot of students, instructors and researchers at the university and the research centers, employees in the advanced tertiary sector, people working in logistic and personal services, a public made up of participants in scientific congresses and people attending cultural activities at the Teatro degli Arcimboldi, and finally local inhabitants. The distinctive feature of these populations is their metropolitan dimension and the fact that they are reinventing a typically post-Fordist model of use the Bicocca, Characterized by a multiplicity of calendars,complex mobility and the use of local resources for activities not connected solely with work. (G. Martinotti, M. Boffi, 2002, "Milan-Bicocca Knowledge City: The University and the Metropolis" in "La nascita di una università nuova: Milano-Bicocca", Skira, Milan) The Social Research Department has been set up in Jennuary 1999, following the foundation of the Sociology school at the new University of Milano-Bicocca. The aim is to promote scientific excellence in the studies of contemporary society and social theory. Until then the Department was a research structure of the Political Science school at the State Milan University based in via Mascagni. "Il Dipartimento di Sociologia e Ricerca Sociale (DSRS) si è costituito nel gennaio 1999, in seguito alla nascita della Facoltà di Sociologia presso la nuova Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, con l’obiettivo di promuovere l’eccellenza nell’indagine scientifica sulla società contemporanea e nello studio della teoria sociale" (http://www.sociologia.unimib.it/). Fino ad allora il Dipartimento era una struttura di ricerca della Facoltà di Scienze Politiche dell'Università Statale di Milano, con sede in via Mascagni. |